Bracknell Ice Skating CLub

 BISC  Archives - Adult / Late Teen Event 2007

Bracknell Ice Skating Club Adult / Late Teen Event 5th June2007

Bracknell Ice Skating club held an Club Adult / Late Teen Event 5th June 2007.

Click here for the results

Click here for picture and write up

Below is the original class entry information....


The clubs adult / late teen evening is scheduled for 5th June 2007. This event is intended as an opportunity for club members aged 18 or over to perform under competition conditions and to obtain feedback from a NISA free skating judge. Depending on the number of entries, the format will either be a competition or a judge's critique, therefore medals may not be awarded in any or all of the classes.

- All entrants must be members of Bracknell Ice Skating Club and the NISA standard is as at the closing date.
- The closing date for entries is 8.00am Sunday 3rd June.
- The classes being offered can be seen in the Class Details link below, but please be aware that they are subject to sufficient entries and that warm-ups will be combined.

Further information:

Class details and rules (Adobe pdf)

Please refer to the Bracknell Adult Open Competition announcement (pdf) for the technical
          requirements for classes 4 - 6.

BISC competition Entry Form (Adobe pdf format)

BISC competition Entry Form (Word format)