Bracknell Ice Skating Club Newsletter - April 2005
Test SuccessesNone To Report
As part of its commitment to improve members' understanding of the sport, BISC is holding a seminar at the rink on Saturday, May 7.
It will be run by Ann Findlay, an international judge from Scotland, who will speak and demonstrate on The Role of the Judge.
It begins with an off-ice session at 8am, moves to on-ice from 9.30-11am, then back to off-ice until 3.30pm. It is open to all club members with at least NISA Passport Gold Level. The seminar is aimed at all free skaters (although most of it will be suitable for dancers), children and adults, and parents are encouraged to attend too. All coaches are also being invited.
The cost is £10 for skating members and £5 for non-skating parents/guardians, including lunch.
Ann will cover what the judges are looking for when judging. Time will be spent looking at a video of competition performances, to discuss why marks were awarded as they were, and in interpreting music.
The closing date for applications is May 1. The club is looking at running a similar event for dancers.
Synchro Gains Team
BISC's synchro section will have three teams competing next season.
Fusion has moved up from junior to senior level but because five former members are too young for the senior team, the club is setting up an intermediate team (which NISA has introduced to replace mixed-age teams). This will also be known as Fusion and will have the same long programme so that skaters can slot easily into the senior team when they are old enough at 14.
The novice Ice Precise team has 18 skaters aged 10-14 but would like to add another four, while the senior team has approximately 16 and needs to recruit another four to six skaters. About 21 are eligible for the intermediate team, depending on what NISA decides as the age range.
As well as strengthening the senior team next year, having the intermediate team means that training should be able to continue during the summer when there are normally too many skaters away to make it worthwhile. The senior team has been invited to a performance camp in July and the intermediates will attend a camp in November. Both the novice and senior teams will compete in qualifying competitions - in September and October-for the 2006 British Championships.
The section has also elected a new committee -chair Sacha Hartley, vice-chair Janice Cross, secretary Gill Heap, treasurer Mike Cross, and ad-hoc member Carol Clarkson
Fast-Track to Fitness
BISC is pleased to announce that it will be introducing subsidised fitness training sessions this summer.
They will be run by Kev Howard who has previously taken off-ice sessions during Academy camps and who ran the highly successful TopSkate fitness team which many club members belonged to for several years.
Details of days and times and the sort of activities to be included have still to be finalised but TopSkate used to be held twice a week and included a variety of running and fitness exercises in local parks.
200 Club
The 200 Club March draw was won by Viv Coene (£24) and Sue Truby (£6). Shares can be bought at the club table, by downloading a form from the BISC website or by seeing Karen Dredge. Proceeds from the 200 Club are being used to buy equipment and subsidise the club's off-ice sessions. Twenty exercise mats have already been bought.
Club Table
Don't forget that, thanks to Toni Barrett and Allison Brown, the club table is now open from 9am-1pm on Saturdays as well as during club time on Tuesdays on the far side of the rink near the AV room. As well as selling club merchandise, the table has details about Open competitions and a wide range of information about BISC and ice skating.
Photo Permits
If you are under 16, the club cannot submit photos of you to the local newspapers or publish them on the club website unless you have filled in a photo permit form obtainable from the club table or from the website.
Help For Skaters
A new dance class, suitable for skaters, has started in Crowthorne. It is run by an experienced teacher and co-owner of a group of dance and theatre schools whose partner used to teach BISC’s successful dance fitness class at the rink. For further details, pick up a leaflet from the club table.
Videos & DVDs
The club’s collection of ISU videos and DVDs, designed to help skaters to improve their elements, is proving very popular.
For a £5 deposit for each video or DVD, they can be borrowed free of charge for a week from the club table on Wednesdays although there may be a waiting list.
The titles are: How to Spin; How to Jump – axel, salchow, and loop; How to Jump – flip, toe loop, lutz; and Pairs. Each has sections about each jump/spin including history, technique, errors, corrections and skaters comments.
Have you paid?
Don't forget that anyone who skates on club ice on Wednesdays must pay at reception for each part of the session they skate on-ie, 6.15-6.45pm, 6.45-7.30pm and 7.30-8pm.
Tickets must be handed to the duty committee member at the gate before going on the ice at the start of each session.
Copies of BISC News with colour photographs are now available, priced £1. Members can still get black and white copies free as part of their membership.
Diary Dates
24-28: Bracknell Open (free & dance accredited).
31-May 1: Kyle Open
2: iceSheffield solo dance qual.
7: BISC seminar, 8am-3.30pm
8: Deeside Solo Dance Qualifier
11: BISC Dance Club
13-15: Northern Ireland Open, Dundonald
14: Lea Valley Open
17: BISC Adults Competition
20: Oxford Open
23-24: Gillingham Open
1-3: Blackpool Open
6-8: Milton Keynes Open
17-19: Deeside Open
20-21: Guildford Open
23-24: Bracknell Adult Open - free 23rd, dance 24th.
26: National Team Challenge JNLC Bracknell
28-July 1: Basingstoke Open
4-6: IceSheffield Accredited Open
7: Telford Open
23-24: Solo Ice Dance Champioships
25-29: Bracknell Academy Summer Camp (provisional)
31: World Ice Challenge, Slough
5-9: NISA Cup, iceSheffield
27-28: Ayr Open
4-8: Bristol Open
12-13: Chelmsford Open (accredited).
14-16: Nottingham Accredited Open
25-26: Welsh Championships
2: British Adult Championships, NIC
15-21: Scottish Championships & Accredited Open
29-Dec 3: British Primary, Junior & Senior Championships.
10-18: Final rehearsals and perfor- mances of Bracknell panto.
BISC News can only include details about how members are doing if it
hears from them. Please make sure you keep the club informed by
telling publicity officer, Scott Waller, about your achievements.
You can do this by talking to Scott at the rink or by leaving a note
for her either at the club table or rink reception.
Bracknell Ice Skating Club supports SKATING FOR ALL
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