b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash May 2014

Bracknell Ice Skating Club’s annual Open competition was once again a huge success and many many appreciative thanks go to Laura Hetebrij without whose steadfast commitment, organisation and dedication as Open Competition Secretary the event would not take place.  Not only does the planning and liaison with NISA, IJS judges and officials and results team start 10 months in advance but as the competition approaches the workload and responsibility increases enormously culminating in very long days and a non stop work schedule when the Opens are in progress.


The event requires huge support and assistance and the club would like to especially thank committee members Jo Boland and Nicki Torrington for looking after free and adult entries respectively, Trophy Secretary Christine Piggott for organising the trophies and cups (returning from her home in the US especially to be here!),  Carole Smith for handling the considerable number of financial transactions generated by the Opens. Kevin Clarke for website updates and Mark Stevens, our trained IJS results official who took a week’s holiday from work to assist with the results.


For the roles of gate official, reception and music collection, hospitality and runner and videographer and timekeeper – we thank committee members Steven White, Mark Barber, Jennifer Giannitto, Penny, Clarke, Jo Armitage, Debbie Kellas, Lisa Clifford, Debbie Stevens, wonderfully supportive parents/grandparents and club/life members Laura Brierley, Chantal Wright, Jo Hall, Helen Kinson, Peter and Jan Cole, Frances and Genevieve Glover, Amanda O’Neil, David Healy, Lyn and Chantelle A’Court, Rachel Kellas, Emma and Sarah Wakefield, Sandra Bland, Jackie Bailey, Kate Griffiths, Ursha Chavda, Lorna Panesar, Sally Porter, Sarah Cornwall, Monica Brown, Lisa Slyfield, Nicola Arthur, Kate Griffiths, Beverley Childs and Rosemary Rogers.  Special thanks to life member Colin Emery for looking after the music, helping with set up and wife Maureen Emery for stepping in as timekeeper for two days.


Our grateful thanks to life member Gwyn Davies for supporting us with the IJS equipment, data entry, producing the paperwork representing a huge amount of work and responsibility and coach Christopher Hockaday who sat on the IJS panel as both dance technical specialist and video cutter and our sincere thanks to all the IJS judges and officials.


The club also takes the opportunity to thank rink management and staff for their complete support and assistance in running this event and to Sally and Debbie for the fabulous catering!





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