
BISC would like to congratulate all our Solo Dance Skaters that represented Bracknell at the Lee Valley Opens last week.

Particular mention should go to- 

Emily Phillips who finished in first place in the Juvenile Ladies Pattern Dance, Dutch Waltz,
Jessica Harris who finished in third place in the same category,
Chloe Arthur who finished in second place in the Advanced Novice Ladies Pattern Dance, Blues and 3rd place in the Advanced Novice Ladies Free Dance and Bethany Armitage who finished in first place in the Junior Ladies Short Dance and third place in the Junior Ladies Free Dance.

BISC would also like to wish the best of luck to our dance skaters who are travelling to Deeside to compete at the end of the month.


Have you taken part in a competition of other skating related event?  Use our 'Tell Us About It' button on the website to let us know!


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